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Good morning. It’s been a few days. Still clean. Still sober…I was at my parents house Friday afternoon chatting with them when a commercial came on TV that caught my attention. It was touting a drug rehab. I have seen it a 1000 times but this time I decided that I am fixin’ to rip this individual a new orifice for defecating. Reason? Well, the individual looks at the camera and states in support of his business venture, “…I was an addict for 10 years, now I’m not.” [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s96XdnN6bNE 0:19] The problem I have with this is that he says ‘was’ and claims he is now no longer an addict. (BULLSHIT!) So, if I go through this program I will no longer be an addict? I can drink socially? I can use crack in a recreational manner? Sign me up! (Not!) What a load of shit. I’m about to rip his claim to shreds!

Wow. I have been humbled. I find it difficult to rebut this individuals claims. I researched the terms disease and addict and found as many definitions as there are sources. Purely subjective. So, I have to rely on my experience and realize that every individual must suffer their own journey. I do know these facts though: 1) No amount of treatment will help unless the affected individual wants the help, 2) to want the help, the situation must reach a level unacceptable to the affected person. These two statements are the only two I can think of that could be universally accepted. So, I must maintain my use of ‘I’ statements when referring to the disease of addiction that ‘I’ suffer from and maintain the realization that I am allergic to both drugs and alcohol. Allergic you ask? Yes, I’m allergic: if I drink or abuse drugs I “break out” in handcuffs and lengthy prison sentences!!! Ha Ha! These are my thoughts. God Bless!